
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a module that enhances the company’s relationship with both current and potential customers, as well as with other companies and individuals.

First and foremost, CRM is an essential tool for any company’s marketing and sales teams. It creates synergy between these departments by centralizing all prospect-related information and providing full traceability of every stage or update in the customer journey.

The CRM tracks each stage, from initial contact and pre-sale to negotiation and conversion. Additionally, it enables tracking of daily activities, so sharing information with your team becomes immediate and simple.

Say goodbye to scattered Excel spreadsheets across PCs—this centralized system collects and communicates all relevant information. You’ll also avoid unnecessary emails and printed copies, as all input material in the CRM is instantly available to your team.

The CRM is cloud-based and fully integrated with NOW apparel ERP software. It’s accessible not only from PCs but also from smartphones and tablets, allowing your sales team to stay focused on what truly matters: the customer.

CRM is a modular, scalable system that can be fully customized to meet each user’s needs. Depending on your business strategy, you can configure hierarchy rules, set different authorization levels, segment business prospects, extract BI reports, and much more.


  • It is a flexible platform because it adapts to the contractual conditions according to the requirements

  • It provides a greater focus on your business

  • Mobile Access to the cloud

  • Device Independent

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