
In the textile and apparel industry, optimizing workflows and business processes is essential to staying competitive and responsive. To succeed, companies must manage critical operations seamlessly through robust, scalable systems—a challenging but essential goal in today’s environment.

Achieving this requires well-coordinated systems and scalable infrastructure to handle critical operation. A company’s success relies heavily on the efficiency of its business processes, making it vital to adopt technology that manages and enhances these processes.

Recognizing this, many top companies prioritize workflow and process optimization as a strategic advantage.

To support these goals, Datatex has embedded the Activiti BPM Engine as part of its NOW garment ERP software, selected after an in-depth evaluation of leading workflow systems.

Datatex has adopted and adapted to Activiti to offer seamless integration across NOW ERP modules, delivering unmatched flexibility and continuity for apparel and textile companies.

This integration allows process owners to model workflows and approval processes with business-specific rules, optimizing capacity within each NOW ERP module.


The design of the Work-flow server is perfectly integrated with the NOW base platform, and has a set of APIs, so that it can be used by all NOW customers on any of the existing commercial work engines.

The Workflow server resides in an independent database or shares the scheme of the existing NOW database server.

Supports Single sign-on with the NOW base platform.

Exploits the user interface capabilities of the workflow service provider for the administrative process and offers perfect integration with the NOW user interface from the end user perspective.

The workflow server offers user provisioning services which must be done automatically when users are added to the NOW platform.

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