
NOW Base modules are designed to enhance operational efficiency within the textile industry, by streamlining organizational definitions and mastering data across all NOW Package modules, including templates for Sales, Purchase, Manufacturing, and essential master data such as Item Type, Product Master (encompassing Bill of Materials, Routing, and Unit of Measures), Business Partners, and Order Partners (Customers and Suppliers).

Additionally, these modules empower seamless creation and management of multiple divisions, locations, companies, profit centers, and cost centers, ensuring precision and flexibility in organizational operations.

NOW Base module includes:

a) User Management,

b) Menus, user level authorities.

c) Menus, user group level authorities.

UI-XML is functionality of NOW to allow Process Level as well as field level security definitions.

It enables customized screen design and field management down to the individual user or user group level, ensuring precise control tailored to the specific needs of textile industry operations.


Full integration across all modules and functions

Instant and accessible visibility to all users and departments

Definition of system structures and how data is handled by the solution


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