
For companies in the textile and apparel industry, middleware (infrastructure) is essential for optimizing the performance and scalability of ERP systems. It acts as the backbone that connects different applications, allowing for efficient data exchange and process automation.

This page explores the significance of middleware in ERP systems, particularly how Datatex’s expertise and tailored ERP solutions can help businesses achieve optimal system performance and cost-efficiency. Let our experts guide you and support you in your evolution, based on your business needs.

IT professionals require more precision and a clear path forward in terms of “technological platform” and “scalability”. This is a natural progression since these factor heavily into solution optimization and to minimize the Total Cost of Ownership.

During the design phase,  the long-term requirements should be analyzed to ensure future efficiency and continue to respect the Service Level Agreement .

The handling of an ERP system that integrates all business processes relevant to the company, regulating and optimizing all the flows becomes even more relevant and critical to achieve our customers’ desired result.

Datatex, thanks to the expertise and experience gained in the field over the years, can identify the hardware or software infrastructure best suited to the needs of the customer.


Datatex infrastructure consultants can provide a comprehensive scalability recommendation because we don’t look at only our solutions , but instead examine the company information system as a whole.

Only after having studied it, we suggest the most opportune options. A common problem is that even the best ERP is unlikely to be adequate if not supported by the proper infrastructure.

A system analysis before, during and after the go-live is our standard methodology to ensure the reaching the identified levels of the SLA. There are many parameters that our experts evaluate to propose the most suitable solution. It ranges from the simple number of simultaneous users, to the analysis of the system “as is” and of the future system “to be”.

Our analysis is made of transaction verification by minute, IOPS and latency time, network infrastructure with potential bottlenecks and disaster recovery strategies.

According to our customer’s conditions and requirements, we can also suggest and support the implementation of control systems with alerting and notifications.