Datatex employees come from all over the world, but share the same values and
strategic vision: help textile companies to improve their business in every way.

If you have experience with software and familiarity with the textile industry,
you may be the right person for us! At Datatex we offer an open and inclusive work
environment where everyone can express themselves and perform at their best.

Only a company where people work well can be the best strategic partner for its customers.

Datatex employees come from all over the world, but share the same values and strategic vision: help textile companies to improve their business in every way.

If you have experience with software and familiarity with the textile industry, you may be the right person for us! At Datatex we offer an open and inclusive work environment where everyone can express themselves and perform at their best.

Only a company where people work well can be the best strategic partner for its customers.

Job Opportunities

System Engineer – Milano

Datatex con sedi a Milano, Atlanta, Zurigo, Tel Aviv, Bangalore, Belgrado, Istanbul e Shanghai è una società leader nel software ERP per il mondo fashion e vanta a livello internazionale un’elevata, professionale e concreta esperienza nello sviluppo e nella commercializzazione di software applicativi ideati e specializzati per la filiera tessile. Sono nostri clienti grandi brand in tutto il mondo.

Per la nostra sede di Milano, stiamo ricercando un SYSTEM ENGINEER da inserire in un team di sviluppo in contesto internazionale, che abbia maturato almeno 5 anni di esperienza nel ruolo e che sarà in grado di muoversi in completa autonomia.

Le principali funzioni della posizione saranno:

– Gestire un centro di supporto remoto per quanto concerne la infrastruttura

– Formare e assistere i project manager/programmatori nell’installazione del prodotto proprietario NOW, nel set up del Data Base (Oracle e DB2) e dell’Application server (jboss), presso il cliente o dalla sede

– Risolvere i problemi inerenti ai middleware e ai sistemi operativi dell’applicazione

– Assistere nel tuning dei diversi componenti software per ottimizzare le prestazioni

– Supportare le installazioni in cloud

– Gestire i problemi di sicurezza informatica e aiutare a creare procedure standard e certificazioni

È richiesta esperienza relativamente a:

– Database relazionali (DB2 e possibilmente Oracle) in ambiente OLTP

– Application server  Jboss

– Tecnologie di virtualizzazione VMware, Proxmox e di sistemi di back up (Veeam back up)

– Installazione e implementazione sistemi operativi  Windows e Linux anche in ambiente cluster e di storage

– Gestione avanzata reti e problematiche di sicurezza (firewall Check Point, Sonicwall e Linux), DNS e soluzioni di intrusion detection

– Soluzioni di back up-centralizzato (Tivoli Storage Manager, Arcserve)

– Esperienze su tool di monitoring (Esempio: Zabbix)

E’ richiesta la conoscenza della lingua inglese.

Completano il profilo spiccato interesse per la tecnologia, ottime capacità organizzative, di diagnosi, di problem solving (Triage), di comunicazione e relazionali, di organizzazione del lavoro, di proattività ed attitudine al lavoro di gruppo.

E’ richiesta la disponibilità a trasferte in Italia ed all’estero.

Inviare curriculum in formato PDF all’indirizzo [email protected], completo di foto e autorizzazione al trattamento dei propri dati personali ai sensi del Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196 e del GDPR (Regolamento UE 2016/679).

Developer – Pavia

Datatex con sedi a Milano, Atlanta, Zurigo, Tel Aviv, Bangalore e Belgrado è una società leader nel software ERP per il mondo fashion e vanta a livello internazionale un’elevata, professionale e concreta esperienza nello sviluppo e nella commercializzazione di software applicativi ideati e specializzati per la filiera tessile. Sono nostri clienti grandi brand in tutto il mondo.

Per l’apertura di un nuovo laboratorio di sviluppo in Pavia, stiamo ricercando programmatori con un paio d’anni di esperienza nella programmazione in Java e Javascript (Framework Sencha Ext JS 6.5/7) e PHP da inserire in un team di sviluppo in contesto internazionale.

La risorsa dovrà quindi possedere ottime doti relazionali, di collaborazione e una buona padronanza della lingua inglese.

E’ titolo preferenziale la conoscenza di:

– Application Server Wildfly / JBOSS / IBM WebSphere Traditional Profile
– Conoscenza del SQL Standard (preferibilmente con IBM DB2 ed Oracle DB)
– Sviluppo APP in ambiente Android ed iOS (React Native, NodeJS)
– Linux (RHEL, CentOS)
– Workflow (Activiti)
Inquadramento: contratto di lavoro subordinato. Livello e retribuzione saranno commisurati alle competenze maturate.
E’ richiesta la conoscenza della lingua italiana a livello madrelingua e buona conoscenza della lingua inglese.
Sede di lavoro: Pavia
E’ richiesta la disponibilità a trasferte in Italia ed all’estero.
Inviare curriculum in formato PDF all’indirizzo [email protected], completo di foto e autorizzazione al trattamento dei propri dati personali ai sensi del Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196 e del GDPR (Regolamento UE 2016/679).

Senior Java Developer – Milano

Datatex con sedi a Milano, Atlanta, Zurigo, Tel Aviv, Bangalore e Belgrado è una società leader nel software ERP per il mondo fashion e vanta a livello internazionale un’elevata, professionale e concreta esperienza nello sviluppo e nella commercializzazione di software applicativi ideati e specializzati per la filiera tessile. Sono nostri clienti grandi brand in tutto il mondo.

Per la nostra sede di Milano, stiamo ricercando un SENIOR JAVA DEVELOPER da inserire in un team di sviluppo in contesto internazionale, che abbia maturato almeno 7-10 anni di esperienza nello sviluppo di applicazioni in Java.

È richiesta la conoscenza dei seguenti Tools e strumenti principali:


– Eclipse

– JDK8 – 11

– JakartaEE 8 o >

– SQL Database Relazionali (IBM DB2 – DB2/400, Oracle, MS SQL Server)

– Application Server (Jboss/Wildfly)

– Linux e comandi principali

– Tool di Debug

– Tool di Profiling (Jprofile)

I requisiti necessary sono:

– HTTP Protocol

– Multi Thread Env

– SOAP(xml)

– REST(json)


– WebService (consumer e provider)

– Hibernate


– Crystal Report

– JSP/Tags

– Servlet

– Architettura MVC

– WebSocket

– Sviluppo Programmazione Plugin Eclipse

– JavaCC


Costituisce titolo preferenziale la conoscenza di:

– JasperReport

– iText

– Struts framework

– Spring

– Spring MVC

– Apache Poi (doc, xls)

– Conoscenza di linguaggi di programmazione  javascript, typescript;

– Framework e librerie: Spring, Angular, React; ExtJS

– Conoscenze di HTML, CSS;

E’ gradita una precedente esperienza di sviluppo di applicazioni in ambito gestionale manufacturing, anche se non determinante.

E’ richiesta la conoscenza della lingua italiana a livello madrelingua e buona conoscenza della lingua inglese.

Sede di lavoro: Milano

E’ richiesta la disponibilità a trasferte in Italia ed all’estero.

Inviare curriculum in formato PDF all’indirizzo [email protected], completo di foto e autorizzazione al trattamento dei propri dati personali ai sensi del Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196 e del GDPR (Regolamento UE 2016/679).

Sviluppatore Front-End Javascript – Milano

Datatex con sedi a Milano, Atlanta, Zurigo, Tel Aviv, Bangalore e Belgrado è una società leader nel software ERP per il mondo fashion e vanta a livello internazionale un’elevata, professionale e concreta esperienza nello sviluppo e nella commercializzazione di software applicativi ideati e specializzati per la filiera tessile. Sono nostri clienti grandi brand in tutto il mondo.

Per la nostra sede di Milano, stiamo ricercando uno SVILUPPATORE FRONT END JAVASCRIPT

da inserire in un team di sviluppo in contesto internazionale, che abbia maturato almeno 2 anni di esperienza nello sviluppo di applicazioni in Javascript.

È richiesta una comprovata esperienza relativamente a:

– Sencha ExtJS 6+ classic and modern framework

– JavaScript ES6+

– CSS and preprocessors (especially SASS and SCSS syntax)

– design patterns


– asynchronous calls

– JavaScript debugging tools


– Typescript

Costituisce titolo preferenziale la conoscenza di:

– NodeJS

– React Native

– MongoDB

– SQL – Database relazionali (db2, oracle, ms sql server)

– Java

– Sviluppo applicazioni Mobile (Android e iOS)

E’ gradita una precedente esperienza di sviluppo di applicazioni in ambito gestionale manufacturing, anche se non determinante.

E’ richiesta la conoscenza della lingua italiana a livello madrelingua e buona conoscenza della lingua inglese.

Sede di lavoro: Milano

E’ richiesta la disponibilità a trasferte in Italia ed all’estero.

Inviare curriculum in formato PDF all’indirizzo [email protected], completo di foto e autorizzazione al trattamento dei propri dati personali ai sensi del Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196 e del GDPR (Regolamento UE 2016/679).

Power BI Specialist – Milan

For our Milan office, we are looking for a POWER BI EXPERT to join a development team in an international context, with at least 2 years of experience in application development with the Power BI tool.

Proven experience is required with respect to:

– Report design
– Data import
– Transformations and feature extraction
– DAX language
– Data modeling
– Gateway and datasource definition

Knowledge of the following applications complementary to Power BI is a plus:

– Bravo for Power BI
– Power automate
– Power apps

Previous application development experience in management and manufacturing is welcome, although not crucial. Good knowledge of the English language is required. Location: Milan, Italy Availability to travel in Italy and abroad is required.

DBA Database Administrator – Bangalore

Datatex is looking for a Database Administrator for its Bangalore office.

The ideal candidate gained at least 5 years experience in this role.


As a database administrator, you’ll need to:

-establish the needs of users and monitor user access and security

-monitor performance and manage parameters to provide fast responses to front-end users

-install, tune, implement and upgrade DBMS installations maintain data standards, including adherence to the Data Protection Act

-write database documentation, including procedures proactively and regularly make recommendations for system improvements

-control access permissions and privileges

-develop, manage and test back-up and recovery plans ensure that storage and archiving procedures are functioning correctly

-collate, prepare and present statistical information for internal and external use

-carry out capacity planning

-work closely with IT project managers and programmers communicate regularly with technical, applications and operational staff to ensure database integrity and security and assist with SQL query tuning

-manage the security and disaster recovery aspects of a database.

Technical Skills:


Strong skill on IBM DB2 (Windows, Linux, AIX) including HADR and Partitioning feature, PureScale

Strong skill on Linux (preferred RHEL) and Windows Server platform


Oracle Database knowledge IBM DB2/400

Monitor tools

Excellent knowledge of the English language is required

Good diagnosis, problem solving, communication, relational, work management, proactivity and team working skills complete the profile of the person sought.

The selected candidate will attend an initial training course, supported by the experts of our software laboratory.

Workplace: Bangalore (India) – available for international transfers.

Employment Type: Full time

Manager – Pre-Sales ERP Software (Textile &apparel industry) – India

Position: Manager – Pre-Sales ERP Software (Textile and apparel industry)
Country: India
Number of vacancies: 01

Qualification: Bachelor’s and/ or master’s degree in Textile and Apparel manufacturing – Engineering or NIFT or equivalent colleges

Experience: Garment merchandising or textile industry sales or planning experience of minimum 5 years

Must have: Local citizenship, experience of ERP software usage, good presentation skills (written and verbal), open to travel, proficient English language

Good to have: IT Software sales or presales experience ERP pre-sales/ sales experience, implementation experience, knowledge of Datatex software

Manager – Sales ERP Software (Textile & apparel industry) – Indonesia

Position: Manager – Sales ERP Software (Textile and apparel industry)
Country: Indonesia
Number of vacancies: 01

Qualification: Bachelor’s degree and/ or master’s degree in Textile and Apparel manufacturing or equivalent experience in the Textile and Apparel manufacturing industry

Experience: Garment merchandising or textile industry sales or planning experience of minimum 5 years

Must have: Local citizenship, experience of ERP software usage, good presentation skills (written and verbal), open to travel, proficient in local and English language

Good to have: IT Software sales or presales experience ERP pre-sales/ sales experience, implementation experience, knowledge of Datatex software

Manager – Sales ERP Software (Textile & apparel industry) – Vietnam

Position: Manager – Sales ERP Software (Textile and apparel industry)
Country: Vietnam
Number of vacancies: 01

Qualification: Bachelor’s degree and/ or master’s degree in Textile and Apparel manufacturing or equivalent experience in the Textile and Apparel manufacturing industry

Experience: Garment merchandising or textile industry sales or planning experience of minimum 5 years

Must have: Local citizenship, experience of ERP software usage, good presentation skills (written and verbal), open to travel, proficient in local and English language

Good to have: IT Software sales or presales experience ERP pre-sales/ sales experience, implementation experience, knowledge of Datatex software

Manager – Sales ERP Software (Textile and apparel industry) – Thailand

Position: Manager – Sales ERP Software (Textile and apparel industry)
Country: Thailand
Number of vacancies: 01

Qualification: Bachelor’s degree and/ or master’s degree in Textile and Apparel manufacturing or equivalent experience in the Textile and Apparel manufacturing industry

Experience: Garment merchandising or textile industry sales or planning experience of minimum 5 years

Must have: Local citizenship, experience of ERP software usage, good presentation skills (written and verbal), open to travel, proficient in local and English language

Good to have: IT Software sales or presales experience ERP pre-sales/ sales experience, implementation experience, knowledge of Datatex software

Developer- Milan

For our office in Milan, we are looking for programmers with a couple of years of experience in programming in Java and Javascript (Framework Sencha Ext JS 6.5/7) and PHP to be included in a development team in an international context.
The resource must therefore have excellent interpersonal skills, collaboration and a good command of the English language.

Preferential qualifications include:
– Application Server Wildfly / JBOSS / IBM WebSphere Traditional Profile
– Knowledge of SQL Standard (preferably with IBM DB2 and Oracle DB)
– Linux (RHEL, CentOS)
– Workflow (Activiti)

Position: employment contract. Level and salary will be commensurate with the skills gained.
Place of work: Milan
Availability to travel in Italy and abroad is required.

ERP Consultant – Milan

The ideal candidate has matured a couple of years of experience in the role participating in the various project phases: functional analysis, requirements gathering, goal definition, ERP system implementation, customization, tester activities, monitoring, corrective actions, training and user support.

Preferential qualifications include:
– experience in primary IT consulting companies
– Participation and management of ERP projects
– Good knowledge of the English language
– Master degree in technical or economic disciplines
The profile is completed by excellent diagnostic, problem solving, communication and relational skills, work organization, proactivity and teamwork attitude.
The chosen candidate will initially follow a training course on the ERP solution supported by the specialists of the software laboratory. You will then become part of the consulting team that installs and launches the ERP solution at your customers’ sites.

Position: employment contract. Level and salary will be commensurate with the skills acquired.
Place of work: Milan
Availability to travel in Italy and abroad is required.

Junior Full Stack Developer – Milan

We are looking for graduates in information sciences or computer engineering (Bachelor or Master) to be included in a development team in an international context through a path of in-depth technical and application-oriented development and knowledge of the proprietary ERP: NOW.
The resource must therefore have good interpersonal skills, collaboration and an excellent knowledge of English.

Preferential qualifications include:
– Java and Javascript (Framework Sencha Ext JS 6.5/7) and PHP
– Wildfly / JBOSS application server
– Knowledge of SQL Standard (preferably with IBM DB2 and Oracle DB)
– APP development in Android and iOS environment (React Native, NodeJS)
– Linux (RHEL, CentOS)
– Workflow (Activiti)

Employment: apprenticeship contract
Place of work: Milan
Availability to travel in Italy and abroad is required.

Junior Consultant – Milan

We are looking for recent graduates in information sciences or electronic/management engineering/computer science (three-year or master) to be addressed to the activity of programming and analysis in an international context through a path of in-depth technical-application.
The resource must therefore have good interpersonal skills, collaboration and a good knowledge of English.

Preferential qualifications include:
-Java language and object-oriented programming principles
-J2EE technologies (servlets, jsp, jdbc)
-SQL and principles of relational databases
-Apache Tomcat or JBoss
-Eclipse or other development platforms

Employment: apprenticeship contract
Place of work: Milan
Availability to travel in Italy and abroad is required.
Adequate training and insertion plans are provided.

Project Manager – Karachi

We are looking for new Pakistan based associates.
We have nominated new Business Partners and looking forward to building a
team of customer success expert engineers to collaborate with customers and
implementation partners. We are looking for engineers with experience in ERP Projects and/or
experience in management of textile operations to work for datatex
implementing our ERP solutions at customers in Pakistan and globally.
To provide Pakistani clients, support Project managers are required. Manager
must monitor complete project implementation life cycle and provide
recommendations as needed.
Qualification & Experience
Person with Textile Background (Education and/or work experience) with ERP
Implementation Experience are more appropriate.
Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree (16 Years of education) with at least 5 years of
relevant post qualification experience.
The resource must therefore owns excellent interpersonal and collaboration
skills, and a good knowledge of the English language.
Selected candidates has to work from home and needs to visit clients as per
requirements anywhere in Pakistan.

Project  Manager – Lahore

We are looking for new Pakistan based associates.
We have nominated new Business Partners and looking forward to building a
team of customer success expert engineers to collaborate with customers and
implementation partners. We are looking for engineers with experience in ERP Projects and/or
experience in management of textile operations to work for datatex
implementing our ERP solutions at customers in Pakistan and globally.
To provide Pakistani clients, support Project managers are required. Manager
must monitor complete project implementation life cycle and provide
recommendations as needed.
Qualification & Experience
Person with Textile Background (Education and/or work experience) with ERP
Implementation Experience are more appropriate.
Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree (16 Years of education) with at least 5 years of
relevant post qualification experience.
The resource must therefore owns excellent interpersonal and collaboration
skills, and a good knowledge of the English language.
Selected candidates has to work from home and needs to visit clients as per
requirements anywhere in Pakistan.

Sales Representative – Karachi

We are looking for new Pakistan based associates.
First level contact sales-representative is required for Pakistani Textile
industry. Applicant should have experience of selling ERP Solutions preferably
in Textile and Apparel Industry. Primary role will be become first level contact
for the leads and will play role to manage the leads, coordination for the
Demos/meeting with customer, Coordination with Local Partners.
Qualification & Experience
Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree (16 Years of education) with at least 2 years of
relevant post qualification experience.
The resource must therefore owns excellent interpersonal and collaboration
skills, and a good knowledge of the English language.
Selected candidates has to work from home and needs to visit clients as per
requirements anywhere in Pakistan.

Sales Representative – Lahore

We are looking for new Pakistan based associates.
First level contact sales-representative is required for Pakistani Textile
industry. Applicant should have experience of selling ERP Solutions preferably
in Textile and Apparel Industry. Primary role will be become first level contact
for the leads and will play role to manage the leads, coordination for the
Demos/meeting with customer, Coordination with Local Partners.
Qualification & Experience
Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree (16 Years of education) with at least 2 years of
relevant post qualification experience.
The resource must therefore owns excellent interpersonal and collaboration
skills, and a good knowledge of the English language.
Selected candidates has to work from home and needs to visit clients as per
requirements anywhere in Pakistan.