Why choose the Cloud?

The Datatex software suite application services can be customized, allowing companies to choose the services that best meet their needs.

Cloud means drastically reducing costs. No hardware investment and consequently no maintenance costs. Our technicians actively monitor the performance of our systems to offer their best efficiency. With no charge for traffic, you’ll significantly reduce your monthly bills. This allows you to provide employees with tools that enable them to do their best work without the interference of old or obsolete systems, streamlining their day-to-day operations.

Cloud means you can access it anytime, anywhere. A new way to access IT infrastructures regardless of the concept of hardware ownership: it is an active and borderless collaboration between colleagues, staff, customers, and suppliers. It provides enhanced flexibility in the workplace because employees can access applications and data from remote servers at any time when an Internet connection is available. With the cloud service, applications can be installed on several devices in your business, from computers to smartphones, so that you can access your data anytime, anywhere.

Cloud means security. The robustness of our servers guarantees the security of your data. We not only offer backups but a full Disaster and Recovery Strategy to assure Business Continuity to reach your RTO and RPO needs. Firewall, VPN, and AntiDDos solutions are part of our offer to combat the largest and most sophisticated attacks. Instead of investing in an on-site data warehouse where security protocols must be implemented and maintained, cloud computing offers companies an effortless and less resource-intensive way to protect their data. The backup data centers around the world ensure reliability at all times. Since data is stored in the cloud, it is easier than ever to update and restore data via the cloud.

Cloud means power. Thanks to a solid cloud infrastructure, the power of the machine increases to the need without the user noticing it, allowing better performance. As a result, companies free up human and economic resources to devote them to other evolutionary projects. Cloud lets companies focus on keeping pace with business competition by providing access to trending and on-demand applications without performing the manual installation, integration, and maintenance of applications on the company.

Cloud means sustainability. Thanks to the centralized IT infrastructure, energy consumption is adapted to the actual use of the systems. A significant contribution to the environment, an essential prerogative to ensure the stability of an ecosystem. One of the best advantages of cloud services is that you can always access the latest applications without spending time and money on installation.

NOW Cloud Services

An affordable solution that fits into your business and grows with you.           From SME to large industry, with NOW Cloud you’ll find the right solution to give value to your business. NOW Cloud is available for various types of companies and for a diverse number of users.


Software as a Service
SaaS provides you with a complete product that is run and managed by the service provider.


Platform as a Service
PaaS removes the need for you to manage underlying infrastructure (usually hardware and operating systems) and allows you to focus on the deployment and management of your applications. Each vendor can provide additional services as Database, Backup or Application Server, Load Balance.


Infrastructure as a Service
IaaS contains the basic building blocks for cloud IT. It typically provides access to networking features, computers (virtual or on dedicated hardware), and data storage space. IaaS gives you the highest level of flexibility and management control over your IT resources.

Datatex responsability       Shared responsability       Customer responsability







Information and data
Devices (mobile and PCs)
Accounts and identities
Identity and directory infrastructure
Network controls
Operating system
Physical hosts
Physical network
Physical datacenter

The NOW Cloud benefits

Take part in the Datatex ERP NOW Cloud program and you will benefit from many advantages.


  • No membership fee

    There are no costs associated with joining the Datatex Now Cloud Program.

  • Recurring monthly fee

    A clear and discounted monthly fee based on the actual Active Simultaneous User Licenses.

  • Free license

    1 free NOW Cloud user license to share among your Team for teaching, learning, testing etc.

  • Video Tutorial

    Video tutorials available without limitations with which your users can independently learn how to use the various modules of NOW Cloud.

  • Application/Technological Support

    For each customer, based on their needs, there are a number of hours of Application/Training Help Desk to use individually or share with your team.


Download NOW Cloud brochure to find out more or contact us!

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